to Mar 26

YOUR LIFE IN YOGA - The 3 Goddesses

  • shakti yoga studio key west (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an innovative new program. We’ll meet 2 x per week for 12 weeks.

Be part of a group who will come together to practice pranayama, meditation, mantra, stories, philosophy to create a more integrated experience of our yoga practice.

Using the myths of the 3 GODDESSES to serve as our anchor, we will expand our experience of how the dharma of yoga support us.

Join us for an information session via Zoom - Monday, December 14th at 7 pm

Meeting Id : 811 3521 5200

Passcode : 577026

the 3 goddesses .jpg
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GANESHA A MAP TO MINDFULNESS - a workshop with Marlene Koenig
2:00 PM14:00

GANESHA A MAP TO MINDFULNESS - a workshop with Marlene Koenig

GANESHA A MAP TO MINDFULNESS - A workshop with Marlene Koenig

When the ancients created images of their Gods and Goddesses they were giving us maps for our journey through this sacred experience of being human.

This workshop marries Marlene’s 3 passions , movement, philosophy and art.

In Ganesha A Map to Mindfulness you will learn what the image of Ganesha has to teach us about living in the present moment, making thoughtful choices and moving through obstacles.

Through a Qi Gong inspired movement practice you will intuitively tap into your Ganesha nature and step into fluid, mindful living.

Along with guided meditation and the tools you will need to take this practice home with you.

Join Marlene for this beautiful workshop at Shakti Yoga Key West

COST: $60

CONTACT: Marlene @ marlenekoenig108@gmail.com or register at Shakti Yoga

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An Awakening into the Heart of Yoga
2:00 PM14:00

An Awakening into the Heart of Yoga

Awakening The Power of the Heart ~ Hridaya Shakti  

Healing Yoga, Meditation & Yogic Wisdom for Transforming Times

with Saul David Raye 

We are living in a time of great awakening and transformation both individually and collectively. The Human heart holds the keys to our transformation at both a personal and planetary level. Ancient spiritual traditions, artists, poets, musicians, modern science, medicine & meta-physics have all been fascinated by the human heart and how to tap into it’s profound energy and power. Perhaps no space of consciousness has held as much fascination and exploration as the heart, yet we are all still learning how to tap into the power of the heart in daily life. In the Yoga tradition, the Hridaya is our spiritual heart and is the seat of our spiritual essence, our vital force and our deepest drive. It exists on different levels of being; physical, emotional and spiritual and is also the key to our health, energy and inner peace. The next level of our evolution is connected to the awakening and integration of  H E A R T  Consciouness. 

This master class will include a short dharma talk on the power of the heart from both yogic and scientific views, dynamic practice of heart centered yoga, meditation, chanting  and special practices for strengthening, healing and awakening the power of the heart. 

Awakening the Power of the Heart is a practice. All levels are welcome. 

Honey in the Heart ~ An Evening of Bhakti Yoga + Ecstatic Kirtan 

With Yogi + Mantra Music Artist Saul David Raye 

& Special guests  

Bhakti yoga is the yoga of Love. It is the path of the heart and the practice devotion. Bhakti is medicine for the heart, especially in these challenging times, practices to strengthening and support the spiritual heart and cultivate faith, resilience and love.

Please join us for this intimate evening of chanting, music, mantras and medicine songs as we come together in community and celebrate the journey of life. Through teachings, reflections and stories we will explore the path of Bhakti and the practice of chanting for self-healing, peace and awakening. Love is Something beyond words.

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2:00 PM14:00


Another journey around the sun will be completed. Another 12 months. Another 4 seasons, from the dark cold of winter to the fresh liveliness of spring. Another 52 weeks. Another 365 days from sunrise to sunset.

As we complete this cycle and reflect on the year past, it becomes clear that we too are part of this Cosmic Circle.

There have been moments when we felt the darkness of winter and there have been moments when we have been newly inspired and alive like the rising of the sun. This is all part of our path on THE JOURNEY INTO THE GREAT ROUND, a cycle of personal growth. Discover your place on this journey.

Join Marlene Koenig on n January 25th as she leads us THE JOURNEY INTO THE GREAT ROUND workshop.

THE GREAT ROUND is a creative yoga asana, meditation and yoga philosophy class. Identify the 12 stages of personal growth. Understand where you have been, where you are, and where you are going.

For more information on this workshop please contact Marlene @ marlenekoenig108@gmail.com

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Yoga Nidra with Tara McCabe
7:45 PM19:45

Yoga Nidra with Tara McCabe

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep is a restorative, meditative practice.The profound relaxation that this constructive rest allows offers practitioners a non- judgmental and secure atmosphere to explore what is needed in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions. This practice is heavily guided providing a window into the self through visualizations, intention setting, and both body and breath awareness. Live melodic sounds performed by musician Skipper Kripitz will accompany Yoga Instructor, Tara McCabe as she guides you through this Dynamic Sleep. $45 Space is limited. Reserve your spot at Shakti Yoga, 1114 White St. or contact Tara @ 305.433.1234

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12:00 PM12:00


Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep is a restorative, meditative practice. The profound relaxation that this constructive rest allows offers practitioners a non- judgmental and secure atmosphere to explore what is needed in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions. This practice is heavily guided providing a window into the self through visualizations, intention setting, and both body and breath awareness. Live melodic sounds performed by musicians Ross Brown and Skipper Kripitz will accompany Yoga Instructor, Tara McCabe as she guides you through this Dynamic Sleep.

All are welcome.

No experience required.

$45 Space is limited.

Reserve your spot at Shakti Yoga 1114 White St. or contact Tara @ 305.433.1234

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SomaVeda Thai Yoga Workshop with Mariana Cardoze
to Dec 1

SomaVeda Thai Yoga Workshop with Mariana Cardoze

Derived from Ayurvedic medicine, Yogic principles and Buddhism over 2,500 years ago as an ancient healing system, this form of body work therapy focuses on balancing and aligning the body-mind-spirit connection.

SomaVeda Thai Yoga combines acupressure, gentle twisting and assisted stretching in a rhythmic meditative way.


  • basic theory of Thai Yoga and Ayurveda

  • 19 therapeutic postures

  • strong body mechanics which supports bodywork in a sustainable way

  • to work in a meditative state of mind

  • flow technique that supports muscle memory

  • adjustments that compliment yoga classes

  • one hour full body Thai Yoga session that you can immediately put to use with clients, family and friends

COST: $375

($339 if registered by November 14th)

VENUE: Shakti Yoga Key West , 1114 white street

INCLUDES: SomaVeda Workbook and official certificate NCBTMB APPROVED CEUs

Class size is limited.

To reserve your place contact Mariana:

(305) 304-8114 maya.lakech@gmail.com MayaThaiYoga.com

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THE ART OF BASIC FENG SHUI - a workshop with Krisztina Simon
7:00 PM19:00

THE ART OF BASIC FENG SHUI - a workshop with Krisztina Simon

Learn how to change your space to increase creativity, productivity, and create ultimate succes. You will learn:
- what are the 5 elements of Feng Shui
- Productive cycle
- Destructive cycle
- how to correct a destructive cycle
- how people relate to the Five Elements

Cost: $40

Contact: Sofia 305.587.4285

About Krisztina, visit her web page: urbanwitch.org
You can also book a reading session there

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to Mar 4

SOULFUL JOURNEY into Akhila YOGA - workshop series with RUSLAN KLEYTMAN

when: friday - march 2nd - sunday - march 4th

where: shakti yoga key west - 1114 white street

cost: $50 per workshop/$215 for the series 


Bio:Ruslan Kleytman, ERYT 500, is a founder of Akhila Yoga, integrative style of yoga. He is devoted yogi, Vedic scholar, gifted body worker and avid acro-yogi. Ruslan is a permanent student of Spirit, Life and Movement Arts. He traveled extensively…


Ruslan Kleytman, ERYT 500, is a founder of Akhila Yoga, integrative style of yoga. He is devoted yogi, Vedic scholar, gifted body worker and avid acro-yogi. Ruslan is a permanent student of Spirit, Life and Movement Arts. He traveled extensively the world in search of spiritual guidance and studied with prominent Masters in Ashrams and Monasteries in India and South Korea.

Over a decade of Ruslan's physical yoga practice, internal work of meditation and scriptural studies came to fruition with synthesis of Akhila Yoga system. This method embraces a holistic, scientific approach to yoga; by working on harmonizing, balancing, healing and strengthening all levels of being; physical, energetic, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.

Ruslan created internationally recognized Akhila Yoga Teacher training programs (200-hour & 500-hour) and responsible for hundreds of certified students around the globe. Akhila Yoga programs empower students with a harmonious, balanced practice aimed at creating the most fertile environment for personal transformation, growth and ultimately Self-realization.

Ruslan has taught workshops at major Global Yoga Conferences and Festivals, including Yoga Journal Conferences and Free Spirit Festival. Ruslan’s articles were published in the Yoga Journal magazine and he has been featured in major publications, including Yoga Journal and Mantra magazine.

Friday - march 2nd - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Ananda - Blissful Mantra Yoga Flow (2h)

Blissful Mantra Yoga Flow is a soulful journey to ignite magic in your body, mind and heart with music, Vedic wisdom and creative choreography of dynamic asana flow. We will begin class with devotional poetry and mantra music accompanied by tropical ukulele and native charango. Followed by fluid wave of movements blended into a garland of poses on a thread of breath. Fluid vinyasa choreography movements remind us of the temporary nature of our lives, circumstances, and experiences. Music and mantra evokes innate feelings of Love, Compassion, and Gratitude. And for a dessert, relax and restore with an extended Shavasana, guided Loving-Kindness meditation with lush tapestry of soothing sound bath on the background.

Ignite magic in your journey of life.

Saturday - march 3rd - 12 pm - 2 pm

Vira Flow • Hero Flow - Practice Inspired by Martial Arts and Yoga (2h)

Hero flow is a transformative, total sensory experience that goes beyond a traditional vinyasa class. Drawn from the spirit of martial arts, this dynamic class uses an intelligent sequence that includes classic yoga asanas as well as martial arts stances, warrior salutations, mind science practices, pranayama and meditation. Relax and restore with an extended savasana accompanied by a soothing sound bath with chimes, flutes and more.

Topics covered:

Hip, hamstring and shoulders openers


Core floor workout

Attention to precise body alignment

Core integration


*Bring a towel, an awesome attitude and be ready to have fun.

Saturday 3 pm - 5 pm

Happy Hips & Shoulders (2h)

Urban dwellers live high pace, stressful lives. Each of us from the first breath we take undergoes various traumatic experiences. Negative emotions like fear and gilt, create zones of high density around hips and shoulders. We feel tight, limited, and stuck in our upper and lower bodies. Hips are closing and shoulders are slouching as we build protective shell to hide behind it. To be free, open and relaxed we need to release these zones. Experience the euphoria of freedom in your hips and shoulders through a systematic 6 directional opening routines. Come with a willing spirit and leave with lightness in your body!

All levels

Topics covered:

Directions of mobility for hips and knees

Directions of mobility for shoulders and elbows

4 levels of difficulty

Shukshma-vyama kriyas (warm ups)

Principal vinyasas

Bandhas & Mudras

Sunday - march 4th - 12 pm - 2 pm

Rock & Roll (2h)

In this dynamic and playful workshop we will practice creative sequencing of classical and adapted yoga postures linked together by a Rocking Vinyasa. Be ready to open your heart, soar with grace, and smile while flowing with love. You’ll experience spontaneous flow, as an exploration of free-form, breath-initiated movement to liberate life force and cultivate freedom of expression. By rolling continuously throughout the class we will massage the muscles of the back, relax and soften muscles of the para-spinal groove, allowing us to go deep into the backbends in the finishing set. Surprise yourself with your deepest backbend yet in this vibrant, high-energy workshop.

Sunday - 3 pm 5 pm

Dream Meditation: Yoga Nidra + Sound Bath

Looking for a rest, relaxation, or to just get-away?

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a healing practice that deepens relaxation, releases tension and helps to strengthen the immune system. It is a unique marriage of science and spirit. Take your brain on a spiritual exploration through Theta-wave Ocean into deep layers of your subconsciousness.

Experience the power of sound: mesmerizing singing bowls, magical flutes, romantic charango and enchanted chimes are used to captivate your mind, massage your soul and open your heart to higher frequencies of Loving- Kindness resonance. All the while you are guided to an inner journey to heal and harmonize your relationships: with yourself, your family and Universe.

This peaceful practice will leave you feeling grounded with a deeper connection to yourself.

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The Great Round: A Workshop with Marlene Koenig
2:30 PM14:30

The Great Round: A Workshop with Marlene Koenig


Happy New! Another journey around the sun completed.

Another 12 months, another 4 seasons, from the cold dark of winter to the fresh liveliness of spring. Another 52 weeks, another 365 days, from sunrise to sunset. As we complete this cycle and reflect on the year past it becomes clear that we too are part of this COSMIC CIRCLE.

There have been moments we have felt the darkness of winter and there have been moments we felt newly inspired and alive like the rising of the sun. This is all part of our path on THE JOURNEY INTO THE GREAT ROUND a cycle of personal growth. 

Discover your place on this journey!

January 27th I will be teaching THE JOURNEY INTO THE GREAT ROUND a workshop at Shakti yoga Key west. This is a creative yoga asana, meditation, and yoga philosophy class. Identify the 12 stages of personal growth. Better understand where you have been, where you are and where you are going

workshop fee: $50

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Mayanjali Apothecary at the Key West Artisan Market
10:00 AM10:00

Mayanjali Apothecary at the Key West Artisan Market


It's that time of year!

Give the gift of wellness and self care this holiday season. We'll be sharing our all natural goods at the artisan market this Sunday Dec 17th. Makes a great gift for you or someone you love. So do gift certificates 🌿#wellness #keywest #health #holidaygifts #allnaturalskinproducts #artisanmarket #yogakeywest #mayanjalicafeandboutique 

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